
We have Professional Resources for services you may need!
At Alterra Realty Group, we have strong relationships with a variety of complimentary service professionals who share our goal: providing the best service to our clientele. We will introduce you to any one (or all) of our associates so that you can be confident about your transaction.
Attorneys. We have relationships with a variety of attorneys from Real Estate to Litigation. No matter your need, we have the connections.
Environmental Consulting/ Services. (Phase 1 – 3; Inspection/ Assessment, Testing, Remediation). Whether you are financing your purchase of commercial property or not, you need to protect your investment by ensuring the land you purchase is not contaminated. Failure to conduct a pre-purchase environmental assessment increases your liability in resolving a situation that is discovered after you close. “I didn’t know it was contaminated when I bought it” is not an acceptable excuse. Protect yourself.
Property Inspectors. Whether selling or purchasing, knowing the condition of a property is essential. Want to maximize your sale price? Find out what may be wrong and fix it. Want to save the most money on your purchase? Find out what needs to be repaired and let us help you negotiate an appropriate discount.
- Interior Designers and Architects
- Movers
- Painters
- Pest Control
- Property & Casualty Insurance
- Roofers
- Handyman
Lenders. Cash is king but why part with all of yours on the purchase? What about renovations? Cost of moving? Unknowns? Unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary, we feel it is best to obtain an affordable loan (besides, this is why banks exist). Who will provide you the best loan? Private lenders, public lenders or bridge lenders? Should you go to a mortgage broker or direct to the bank? How do you meet all of these people? Who you know is the name of the game so be sure to ask us for introductions.
General Contractors. Have you organized your plans? Ready to build your space or building? Let us introduce you to the professionals that can get the job done – from breaking ground to giving you your keys.
Cost Segregation. Whether you purchase as an investment or for your own use, increasing your bottom line is always a favorite. Very often your accountant or CPA is limited to business expenses. A professional cost segregation study can aide an owner with accelerated depreciation and in conjunction with your CPA, the savings can be tremendous.
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